January Meeting Minutes - 1/21/2021
Written by secretary on Jan 21, 2021
- Call to Order – Motion to call to order – 7:06pm – Sebastian motions
- Introductions
- Mark Rodriguez
- Marcia Powell – Vice Chair
- Brett Bittner
- Morgan Dean
- Camilo Colina
- Chairman
- Erik Maclean
- Jazmine Herrera
- Jeff Macolino
- Laura Hartman
- Michael Culligan
- Roy Higgins
- Eric Olson
- Samantha Cunningham
- Susan Debuhr
- Special Announcements
- None
- Adopt Agenda and Rules for Convention – Robert’s rules cheat sheet will be provided
- We wanted to find if there is more than one candidate being, we do an anonymous vote through the poll.
- Brett: Did we have a quorum count
- Officer Reports
- Chairman’s report
- Next event and social TBD
- No event currently.
- Vice-Chair’s report
- Registered: Dec 2877
- 14 in November, and we’re at 15 today.
- January - 2698
- Secretary’s Report
- Social Media
- Likes: 1865
- Views: 139
- Reach: 6447
- Eng: 216
- Followers: +11
- Treasurer’s report
- Provide monthly financial
- Totals: $2800 currently
- New Business
- Convention
- Motion presented by Brett Bittner – 3 phases. Motion to adopt all the changes to the amendments in 1 vote.
- Aye: 5
- Nay: 5
- Motion fails
- 2nd motion in sections
- Aye: 8
- Nay: 2
- Motion passes
- 3rd motion going through bylaws on membership requirements
- Aye: 6
- Nay: 1
- Motion passes
- Adopt to add the 4th section
- Aye: 8
- Nay: -negligible-
- Motion 5 – vote to suspend the rules to withdraw motion and to consider individually
- Aye: 7
- Nay: -negligible-
- Motion to move to February meeting – Sebastian motions, eric seconds
- Aye:
- Nay: 6
- Considered individually for the individual 5 amendments – unanimous to 3/5ths
- Aye: 9 - passes
- Nay: -negligible-
- Motion 5 –
- Aye – motion passes
- Amendment 3 for motion 5
- Aye: 7
- Nay: -negligible-
- Amendment 4 for motion 5
- Article V section 3
- Aye: 7
- Nay: -negligible-
- Amendment 5 motion 5
- Article 5 section 4
- Aye: 6
- Nay: -negligible-
- Jazmine Herrera bylaws – language changes to bylaws
- Amending the language change because of differences in new changes
- Aye: 7
- Nay: -negligible-
- Submitted events into the bylaws – amend the order of new business from Item number 3 to be prior to item number 1
- All agreed
- Nominations for Officers – Clarify duties for officers
- Chair
- Brett Bittner – New Chairperson
- Mark Rodriguez
- Vice chair
- Jazmine Herrera
- Treasurer
- Camilo Colina
- Secretary
- Nate Stevens
- Election – presentation and vote
- Motions from the floor – debate and vote
- Open floor