Libertarian Party Logo


4/15/2021 - April Business Meeting Minutes

Written by secretary on Apr 18, 2021

Meeting Agenda - April 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

7 PM


  1. Call to Order - Bittner (7:08p)

  2. Quorum Confirmation - Stevens

    1. Bittner - Chair

    2. Herrera - Vice Chair

    3. Stevens - Secretary

    4. Powell - Member

    5. Culligan

    6. Snyder

  3. Member Comment - Any member (5 mins)

  4. Prior Meeting Minutes Approval - Stevens

    1. Motion by Herrera

    2. Second from Culligan

    3. Pass by Acclimation

  5. Officer Reports

    1. Chairperson - Bittner (5 mins)

      1. Reaffiliation complete w/ county, state, and LPF

      2. 2021 Q1 financial report

      3. Congressional candidate introduced w/ LPPC, LPF Candidate committee

    2. Vice-Chairperson - Herrera (5 mins)

      1. Recurring donors thanked

      2. LP Literature order

    3. Secretary - Stevens (5 mins)

      1. Social Media report (March 18-April 14)

        1. 926 People Reached (down 64%)

        2. 364 post engagements (down 37%)

        3. 23 new page likes (up 92%)

      2. Join the slack discussion!


  1. Treasurer - Colina (5 mins)

    1. Not present

  1. Paperwork Filing Update - Colina (5 mins)

    1. Awaiting letter from LPF Chair allowing us to use the word “Libertarian” in our name/logo filings

  2. St. Pete PRIDE - Bittner (5 mins)*

    1. Parade and traditional festival cancelled

    2. 5 weeks of events, culminating on saturdays, no “day-of” ticket sales

      1. Pride outside - celebrate the outdoors

      2. We are family event

      3. Arts & Culture

      4. Picnic - taste of pride week

  3. In-Person Social - Colina (5 mins)

    1. Not present

  4. Announcements 

    1. Re-Affiliation with LPF Complete

    2. Upcoming Events:
      Sunday, May 2nd at noon - Liberty Yoga (Pay What You Can)

      Saturday, May 8th at 9 AM - Coffee Talk with Jess Mears, Deputy
      Campaign Manager for Jo 2020

      June 11th-13th - LPF State Convention at the Springhill Suites
      in Lakeland, FL, registered members of LPF can be voting delegates


    3. Slack conversation about Pinellas LP -

  5. Member Comment - Any member (5 mins)

    1. Inquiry about current outreach

      1. From Randal Snyder

      2. Currently in an administrative bind

      3. In-person social events to start soon

    2. Work on Ranked Choice Voting in Florida

      1. From Lee McConaghy

  6. Adjournment to Socialize (7:54p)

    1. Motion by McConaghy

    2. Second from Herrera