Libertarian Party Logo


January Meeting Minutes - 1/21/2021

Written by secretary on Jan 21, 2021

  1. Call to Order – Motion to call to order – 7:06pm – Sebastian motions
    1. Introductions
      1. Mark Rodriguez
      2. Marcia Powell – Vice Chair
      3. Brett Bittner
      4. Morgan Dean
      5. Camilo Colina
      6. Chairman
      7. Erik Maclean
      8. Jazmine Herrera
      9. Jeff Macolino
      10. Laura Hartman
      11. Michael Culligan
      12. Roy Higgins
      13. Eric Olson
      14. Samantha Cunningham
      15. Susan Debuhr
    2. Special Announcements
      1. None
    3. Adopt Agenda and Rules for Convention – Robert’s rules cheat sheet will be provided
      1. We wanted to find if there is more than one candidate being, we do an anonymous vote through the poll.
      2. Brett: Did we have a quorum count
  2. Officer Reports
    1. Chairman’s report
      1. Next event and social TBD
      2. No event currently.
    2. Vice-Chair’s report
      1. Registered: Dec 2877
      2. 14 in November, and we’re at 15 today.
      3. January - 2698
    3. Secretary’s Report
      1. Social Media
        1. Likes: 1865
        2. Views: 139
        3. Reach: 6447
        4. Eng: 216
        5. Followers: +11
      2. Treasurer’s report
        1. Provide monthly financial
        2. Totals: $2800 currently
  3. New Business
    1. Convention
      1. Motion presented by Brett Bittner – 3 phases. Motion to adopt all the changes to the amendments in 1 vote.
        1. Aye: 5
        2. Nay: 5
        3. Motion fails
      2. 2nd motion in sections
        1. Aye: 8
        2. Nay: 2
        3. Motion passes
      3. 3rd motion going through bylaws on membership requirements
        1. Aye: 6
        2. Nay: 1
        3. Motion passes
      4. Adopt to add the 4th section
        1. Aye: 8
        2. Nay: -negligible-
      5. Motion 5 – vote to suspend the rules to withdraw motion and to consider individually
        1. Aye: 7
        2. Nay: -negligible-
      6. Motion to move to February meeting – Sebastian motions, eric seconds
        1. Aye:
        2. Nay: 6
      7. Considered individually for the individual 5 amendments – unanimous to 3/5ths
        1. Aye: 9 - passes
        2. Nay: -negligible-
      8. Motion 5 –
        1. Aye – motion passes
      9. Amendment 3 for motion 5
        1. Aye: 7
        2. Nay: -negligible-
      10. Amendment 4 for motion 5
        1. Article V section 3
        2. Aye: 7
        3. Nay: -negligible-
      11. Amendment 5 motion 5
        1. Article 5 section 4
        2. Aye: 6
        3. Nay: -negligible-
      12. Jazmine Herrera bylaws – language changes to bylaws
        1. Amending the language change because of differences in new changes
          1. Aye: 7
          2. Nay: -negligible-
    2. Submitted events into the bylaws – amend the order of new business from Item number 3 to be prior to item number 1
      1. All agreed
    3. Nominations for Officers – Clarify duties for officers
      1. Chair
        1. Brett Bittner – New Chairperson
        2. Mark Rodriguez
      2. Vice chair
        1. Jazmine Herrera
      3. Treasurer
        1. Camilo Colina
      4. Secretary
        1. Nate Stevens
    4. Election – presentation and vote
    5. Motions from the floor – debate and vote
  4. Open floor