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May 2019 Meeting Minutes

Written by user1 on Jun 16, 2019

Libertarian Meeting Minutes – 5/23/2019 - edit.

  1. 7:00pm – CALL TO ORDER – Sebastian motioned for a call to order. Marcia Powell Seconded
    1. Minutes – April – Motion to pass the minutes by Jeff, seconded my Mark Rodriguez
    2. Introductions
      1. Mark Rodriguez – Region Representative
      2. Samantha Horowitz – First meeting, registered formally as Libertarian. Looking to get involved. Went to the convention.
  1. Steven Paul Deiter – Actor and voice actor. Ongoing process. Occasionally do tutoring. Hoping to be use to the party.
  2. Steven Michael Deiter – major source of transportation.
  3. Matthew Skopek – Vice chair. Previous state chair to the Illinois party
  1. Joshua Tobias – Was here in December, this is my second meeting. Libertarian for two years.
  1. Announcements
  1. 7:10pm – OFFICER REPORTS
    1. Chairman
      1. We had over 140 people who went to the LPPC. Was a great event, had speakers, Walter Block, Tom Woods, Jeff Deist, several people who ran for president. Michael C Pickens was there. Elections went unanimous across the board. Was one of the smoothest, frictionless. Venue was beautiful. Was very nice. Trying to push the level so people can expect better. We can contribute and be on committees.
    2. Secretary
      1. Website discussions
    3. Treasurer
      1. Scott is out. We do have $1499.41. Mark Rodriguez is upping his funding personally. One of the things we want to do is move forward and spend this money on good projects. We want to be involved in street fairs. Whatever resources we want to put door to door.
    4. 7:20pm – NEW BUSINESS
      1. Funding of Street Fairs and Events
      2. Facebook engagement
        1. Tent cards. Door hangers. Non-obtrusive. Passively get the word out.
        2. Want to get cards out with the shortest political quiz
      3. Literature
        1. Going to be giving away some of the flyer cards.
        2. We want to spend our money on engaging people. Share information. Postcard size. Handed out 1000 last year.
  1. 7:35pm – LPF / 2019 Convention Recap – Mark
    1. Brian Zemina is now our region representative, Mark Rodriguez is the alternate.
    2. We had over 140 people who went to the Libertarian state convention. Was a great event, had speakers, Walter Block, Tom Woods, Jeff Deist, several people who ran for president. Michael C Pickens was there. Elections went unanimous across the board. Was one of the smoothest, frictionless. Venue was beautiful. Was very nice. Trying to push the level so people can expect better. We can contribute and be on committees.
    3. We passed a lot of platform changes and a lot of bylaw changes which were unanimous.
  2. 7:40pm – MEMBERS / OPEN FORUM
    1. Marcia Powell: if the pride thing is going to be in June, do we want to have the Oldsmar flea market before or after?
      1. July 13th is when we want to do the flea market. Enough time to do it. When the time comes, I will send out an email. It will say when is the starting/ending hour and what slot you can do.
      2. 11 visitors showed up. The mailchimp statistics was very good. Given that our overall goal is more active registered libertarians, this helps. This takes us back to the Oldsmar booth. We’re handing out literature with 1500 something people on the mailchimp list. There is no activity there.
    2. On Facebook we were able to engage over 120%, 53% engagement increased.
    3. Emails are becoming outdated. We need to be able to post things on Twitter and Instagram. We could still hold onto the emails if we want them to know about it. For a convention, events, something going on in Florida. Would have a monthly itinerary. If we are going to reach people every month, we have to get with the times. State party does a great job on Instagram.
    4. Maybe the meetup program.
    5. Creation of a social meeting? Want a current list of what they can volunteer for. We could use help on the meetings. Per volunteer. Open offices. Helping with social media.
  3. 8:00pm – ADJOURNMENT
    1. Sebastian motions to adjourn at 8:03pm
    2. Matthew Skopek – adjourned 8:03pm